OnePlus on Monday announced the OnePlus 5 Soft Gold Limited Edition variant. The flagship Android phone will be available in the new color starting midnight August 9 on Amazon India website. It will also be available offline on the OnePlus India store.
Experience power in elegance with the #OnePlus5 Soft Gold Limited Edition. Order yours today.
— OnePlus (@oneplus) August 7, 2017
The OnePlus 5 soft gold will be sold only in the 64GB version for now and it will cost Rs 32,999 same as the price the Slate Grey variant. OnePlus is saying that it is a limited edition phone and will be available only till the supplies last. In addition to the Soft Gold variant, OnePlus is also introducing the Slate Grey variant in the 128GB storage option.
There is no other change in the new variants apart from the color. The latest offering by OnePlus looks stunning and the Soft Gold variant looks ever more beautiful. The device looks more subtle and has a slight hue of pink, it comes in the iteration to the OnePlus 3 and 3T’s Soft Gold variants.
The OnePlus 5 has changed the whole definition of the upper-mid range smartphone by bringing the latest specification under the hood at an affordable price. To quickly recall, the phone is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor. It is available in two primary versions: 6GB RAM and 64 GB internal storage and 8GB RAM plus 128GB storage. The phone has two main cameras: one with a 16MP image sensor and a regular wide-angle lens, and the other with a 20-megapixel image sensor and a telephoto lens. On the front, the device has a 16MP shooter for the selfies.
The device packs in all the flagship specs at a crazy low price and has a mesmerizing design. OnePlus 5 says that “by further developing the sandblasting process, the finish of the Soft Gold OnePlus 5 is 30 per cent finer than that of previous OnePlus Soft Gold devices.” In other words, it is really subtle.
Also, Check out our OnePlus 5 review.
Speaking on the new launch, Vikas Agarwal, General Manager, OnePlus India, said “As a maker of the most beautifully designed smartphones, it gives us immense joy to introduce the latest OnePlus 5 with even more refined and elegant Soft Gold finish this festival season. The latest OnePlus 5 Soft Gold will appeal to those who are looking for the perfect balance of beautiful design and powerful features.”
The company claims that it takes an average of 180 days to create a perfect coating of Soft Gold. For fans of a white phone, the OnePlus 5 Soft Gold is the only color option to sport a white front.
In my opinion, the Midnight Black is the best option available for the OnePlus 5. However, the Soft Gold variant looks amazing from the back, but the white bezels at the front takes the charm away.
Tell us will you buy the OnePlus 5 Soft Gold? Did you like the new color or the old one?