Reliance Jio has unveiled seven new prepaid plans for customers in India to celebrate the start of the Cricket World Cup 2023. These plans include a complimentary subscription to Disney Plus Hotstar, allowing users to stream the cricket tournament without any additional charges. The New Jio Prepaid plans with free Disney Plus Hotstar subscription is currently available for customers to recharge through the Jio website. The new plans start at ₹328 and go up to ₹3,178.
New Jio Prepaid Plans with Free Disney Plus Hotstar:
- Jio ₹328 Plan: Upon recharging this plan, users will enjoy unlimited 5G data, voice calls to any network, 100 daily SMS, and 1.5GB of daily data for 28 days. Additionally, subscribers will have access to JioCinema, Disney Plus Hotstar Mobile, JioCloud, and JioTV for 90 days.
- Jio ₹331 Plan: Priced at ₹331, this plan provides 40GB of data, unlimited voice calling, and 100 daily SMS for 30 days. Subscribers will also gain access to JioCinema, JioCloud, JioTV, and Disney Plus Hotstar Mobile for 90 days.
- Jio ₹388 Plan: The ₹388 plan offers a validity of 28 days and includes 2GB of daily data, unlimited voice calling, and 100 daily SMS. Subscribers also enjoy access to JioCinema, JioCloud, JioTV, and Disney Plus Hotstar Mobile for 90 days.
- Jio ₹598 Plan: Priced at ₹598, this plan includes unlimited voice calling, 2GB of daily data, and 100 daily SMS for 28 days. Additionally, subscribers will have access to Disney Plus Hotstar Mobile for one year, as well as JioTV, JioCinema, and JioCloud.
- Jio ₹758 Plan: The ₹758 plan offers a validity of 84 days and includes 1.5GB of daily data, unlimited voice calling to any network, and 100 daily SMS. Other benefits include access to JioCloud, JioCinema, JioTV, and Disney Plus Hotstar for 90 days.
- Jio ₹808 Plan: Priced at ₹808, this plan comes with 84-day validity and offers unlimited voice calling, 100 daily SMS, and 2GB of daily data. Subscribers will also have access to JioTV, JioCinema, JioCloud, and Disney Plus Hotstar for 90 days.
- Jio ₹3,178 Plan: Finally, the ₹3,178 plan from Jio provides a validity of 365 days, 2GB of daily data, unlimited voice calling, and 100 daily SMS. Additionally, subscribers will enjoy one year of access to Disney Plus Hotstar, along with JioCinema, JioTV, and JioCloud.
So, these are the seven New Jio Prepaid plans with free Disney Plus Hotstar subscription and with the Cricket World Cup 2023 just around the corner, you might want to get one of those.
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